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Selected news releases for today's health care executives
With all of the attention on
avoidable readmissions by the government, payers and the press,
someone forgot to tell stakeholders about the challenging nature of
dealing with a complex system of transitioning through different
care settings. While many promising practices are available, how do
you tie them all together to meaningfully reduce avoidable
readmissions? And in a time with diminishing reimbursements, how do
you do it cost-effectively? We explore the lessons from the early adopters and how to adapt them to different organizational settings. Connecting the dots with different caregivers and empowering patients and families as active participants are the goals of this session. It is all about immediate action with sustainable results – and the winners are the patients and their families. Patients and their families are an underdeveloped resource, mainly because their needs and engagement have historically been addressed in a standardized, one-size-fits-all manner. Customized activation of "home caregivers" will be explored based on patient's individual ideas of independence, self-mastery and degree of support at home. Major reductions in readmission rates require new relationships and strategies to interact with new partners. Hospitals will need to select key partners to address avoidable readmissions in a more comprehensive manner. Selection of these partners will need to be based on local needs, readmission patterns, experience and interest. Join national expert Bruce Spurlock, MD - Chair of the CHART Board, and leader of large quality collaboratives in California, Washington and Florida as he provides case experience from leading initiatives and guidance in how health care organizations can best navigate this crucial issue. | |
Participants will be able to:
Individual Registration Fee: $195. Audio Conference CD-ROM: $40 for attendees; $285 for non-attendees after the event. Corporate Site licensing also available. Click here to register or call 209.577.4888 We look forward to your participation in this event! |
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