What are the key drivers of Accountable Care Organization Medicare
Shared Savings Program gross savings, and how have they changed over
time? Milliman researchers set about answering these questions,
comparing current ACP performance analytics to a previous study
conducted in 2015.
Much has changed since the authors published
their 2015 study. Most notably, the CMS has made changes to many aspects
of the program, including the benchmarking methodology and options for
risk sharing. Considering the changes since 2015, the authors analyzed
more recent MSSP results for ACOs to understand whether the conclusions
from their original study still applied in today’s MSSP environment.
In this session, Milliman experts present their findings that the
drivers of recent success are quite different and, in some cases, the
opposite of what they were in 2015. With Pathways to Success, CMS
endeavored to reshape the MSSP by adjusting incentives, encouraging
greater accountability in ACOs, and offering options specific to each
ACO’s ability to take on risk. Their analysis gives early indication
that these changes are rewarding ACOs for attained efficiency levels,
possibly enhancing the attractiveness of the program. Furthermore, the
authors also see evidence of at least some correlation between tracks
with downside risk and higher gross savings, supporting CMS’s case for
accountability as a policy priority, though voluntary track selection
may also be playing a role. Lastly, the authors see some indication that
ACOs strongly emphasizing primary care are having greater success than
their peers.
here for more information or to register for this HealthcareWebSummit event.