2019 is guaranteed to be a critical year for ACOs, as CMS encourages greater risk-taking to hasten the transition to value-based care.
Attend the NAACOS Spring 2019 Conference to learn how these changes affect your ACO and what your ACO can do to succeed with more down-side
risk. Our two-day conference will draw more than 650 ACO leaders and will feature presentations from noted ACO experts and CMS officials,
as well as opportunities for networking and peer to-peer learning. Optional half-day workshops on April 24 will provide in-depth tutorials
on key issues for the ACO community.
The conference program will deliver tactical strategies for health care administrators on:
- Adapting to CMS's final rule - Pathways to Success,
- Negotiating private payer contracts effectively,
- Optimizing the overlap between ACOs and bundled payment,
- Managing the total cost of care for your patient population, and
- Curbing the impact of the opioid addiction epidemic.
NEW THIS SPRING: the conference will include a clinical track with sessions designed for your ACO's clinical team. Bring your
chief medical officer, chief nursing officer, case managers, and other clinicians to learn about:
- End-of-life care and post-acute care strategies,
- Effective care for high-need, high-cost patients,
- Technology that improves case management, and
- Care redesign for better patient outcomes.
NAACOS Call for Innovations
NAACOS requests submissions from ACOs that showcase innovations which have helped ACOs with every day struggles.
For the spring conference, three submissions will be chosen as the "Best Innovations". The winners will receive:
- an award at the conference,
- the opportunity to present during a breakout session, and
- complementary registration.
Visit our Call for Innovations page
for more information.
Register Early and Save $300
Register before February 28 at a discount of $300 per person. NAACOS member ACOs receive additional discounts on conference
registration fees. If your ACO is not a member, join now and save!
Hotel Reservations
Hilton Baltimore
401 West Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
All reservations must be made by February 28 to qualify for the discounted room rate of $184 plus taxes (based upon availability).
This property fills up quickly - we recommend making your reservations as soon as possible. Reservations made after this date are accepted on a space
and rate available basis only.
The NAACOS Spring Conference will feature 56 exhibitors with products and services specifically for the ACO community. NAACOS Partners are the only
non-ACOs allowed to attend, exhibit and sponsor NAACOS conferences.
Reserve your space today!
NAACOS conferences are the only events organized exclusively by ACOs. Visit our website for more information on conference registration, exhibit and
sponsor opportunities, and hotel details.