
2015 Individual Market Pricing: Morbidity and other Considerations

The effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) on the individual health insurance market continue to evolve. With 2014 being the first year of implementation, participating insurers have been scrambling to get pricing prepared for the plans offered on the state health exchanges, also commonly referred to as Health Insurance Marketplaces. To succeed in this dynamic environment, insurers need to look as far ahead as possible. There are several known regulatory and market differences that will become effective in 2015 that are almost certain to be relevant to pricing. Items such as the reduction in the federal transitional reinsurance program and increases in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) insurer fees will influence pricing.

Lack of morbidity data related to new populations of insureds creates a level of uncertainty when pricing risk beyond 2014. However, there are ways to gain additional understanding on morbidity for 2015 pricing compared to the approaches used for 2014, using available data to create useful estimates that can assist in managing pricing risk beyond 2014.

Please join Milliman's Scott Katterman on Thursday, January 16th, 2014 at 1PM Eastern as he addresses known regulatory and market changes impacting 2015 estimates, and discusses techniques and approaches for adjusting morbidity assumptions in the absence of claims data, so that plans can take advantage of data sources to gain some perspective into future pricing.  Click here for detailed information and to register or call 209.577.4888.




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