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Selected news releases for today's health care
JUST RELEASED: Compensation data on nearly 200 of California's hospital and health plan CFOs and COOs Payers & Providers has just released its newest quarterly white paper. It charts and analyzes the compensation for hospital and health plan chief operating officers and chief financial officers throughout California. This white paper is available in two parts: An extensive executive summary that analyzes the compensation in various formats, including average and median salary and average and median overall compensation. The executive summary is in PDF format. The second part is a detailed list of executives, their compensation, their organization and compensation per bed. This item is in an Excel spreadsheet format. Get the executive summary for only $149. The specific salary data is an additional $149. Or purchase both for $275. Did you miss our Hospital CEO Salary Survey? You can add that to the complete COO/CFO survey for only $399. That’s a reduction of more than $150 off the retail price. Call (877) 248-2360, ext. 2 to order Or CLICK HERE to order the white paper and data.
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