The RISE Nashville Summit
provides a comprehensive slate of featured
presentations, panel discussions, case
studies and roundtable demonstrations
addressing the latest in Medicare Advantage,
Commercial and Medicaid Risk Adjustment,
Star Ratings and Quality Improvement
Strategy, Policy, Data Management,
Predictive Analytics and AI, Financial
Compliance, Payer-Provider Engagement, and
Member Outreach tools!
Create your ideal RISE Nashville learning
experience by participating in one of four
optional pre-conference workshops designed
to lay the foundation for the full RISE
agenda featuring two days of in-depth track
sessions covering seven different themes!
Four foundational pre-conference workshops
Seven different track themes
Over 35 timely topics
Two separate interactive 60-minute
technology roundtable sessions
Ample networking time and giveaways
On behalf of MCOL, take an additional 15%
off the early bird rates with discount code: