
Click here for mobile versionEmployee Wellbeing Webinar On Demand

In the aftermath of a pandemic and amid a mental health crisis, employers are at breaking point from the pressure of meeting employees' needs in the new working world — The Great Resignation has left companies short-staffed and losing billions of dollars to hiring, training, and retaining.

There is a plethora of apps and employee assistance programs made available to employees but are we just applying band-aids and hoping for the best? 

With the new world of remote and hybrid working, Mindful Business Practices are now a necessity for a business to thrive.

Boost productivity and talent retention to thrive with gold standard wellbeing practices

Discover expert insights from HCA HealthcareThomson Reuters and ASC Therapeutics on implementing wellbeing support and Mindful Business Practices - a necessity for your business to thrive. 

  • Reduce stigma and be the advocate for mental health by training senior leaders to partner with employees to support psychologically safe work environments.

  • Understand how the success of a solution is down to the employees, bring their voices to the table to discover what different communities really need.

  • Implement mindful business practices into everyday practices, and lead employees using peer support initiatives to build resilience and create a community within the workplace.

  • Personalize experiences, maximize the incentives, and motivate the workforce to increase utilization of support available.

Don't miss this exclusive webinar! Access the recording here.

Can you afford to lose out on fast-tracking the advancements of employee management?

For more information on HR's most valuable webinar this year, contact the Reuters Events Healthcare team:

Joey Buchholz
Global Project Director

Reuters Events
Telephone: +44 20 3197 8222

