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Driven by government
mandates such as the United States Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act and also by
global economic pressures, the healthcare industry
is undergoing significant and continuous change.
Healthcare providers, health plans/payers and life
sciences enterprises are seeking to redefine value
and success by building sustainable systems,
facilitating patient access, improving clinical
development processes, and improving patient care
and outcomes.
To accomplish this, leaders are focusing on more
innovative ways of handling patient care across both
inpatient and ambulatory scenarios to unlock the
value of their existing data by facilitating managed
and secure data access, sharing and collaboration.
Today's webcast highlights the major challenges
currently facing the healthcare and life sciences
industry, and how IBM's healthcare integration
solution built on WebSphere Message Broker and MQ is
key to connecting your IT infrastructure, providing
better customer care and adapting to continuous
change with greater simplicity and less IT expert
involvement. In addition, we will showcase the
United Kingdom Hampshire Health Hospitals Foundation
Trust, which successfully implemented an
enterprise-wide, robust healthcare integration
solution from IBM.
Topics covered include:
- An overview of the healthcare industry
- Major challenges facing healthcare providers, health
plans/payers and life sciences organizations
- Common integration scenarios
- An introduction to IBM's healthcare integration
solution based on WebSphere Message Broker
- Customer Success Story: The Hampshire Health
- Hospitals Foundation Trust
- Helpful resources and how IBM can help you succeed
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IBM, the IBM logo,, Smarter Planet and the
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