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Leading Adaptive Change: A Framework to Transform Healthcare
Health Catalyst is the data warehouse necessary for analytics to work at health systems

“I assumed if I was bold enough and pushed hard enough, others would follow,” related Dr. Val Ulstad as she recounts past efforts to drive healthcare improvements. “But, the pushing only strengthened the resistance.”

It turns out that leading change in health care is especially challenging for reasons Dr. Ulstad will discuss including conflict and resistance, culture clashes, denial, blame, and in-fighting. As a physician leader, Dr. Ulstad discovered that physician push back wasn’t a sign of disdain or rebellion, but rather a characteristic of modern medicine and often a call for help. Clinicians fear changes that might put at risk what they believe to be best practice medicine. Those worries often lead to a lack of participation in quality improvement initiatives because they don’t know how to engage in a meaningful way.

While some may perceive those non-participating members as lazy or unwilling, those behaviors may in fact be evidence of chaos, stress, burdened work loads and rapid, repeated, and high-volume change. When understood and embraced, these negative qualities can be leveraged into positive outcomes. 


Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Time: 1:00–2:00 PM ET

Join Dr. Val Ulstad, MD, MPA, MPH, FACC as she introduces the concepts, frameworks, and practices of adaptive leadership wherein she will share principles that will help healthcare professionals to work through complex health care initiatives where there is uncertainty, perceived scarcity of time and attention, and fast-paced change. These frameworks reveal what people exercising leadership can do once they have a deeper understanding of fear and the resistance to change. By applying this way of looking at human behavior, Dr. Ulstad shares with healthcare professionals how to be more effective and purposeful in their leadership work. Participants will learn how to:

  1. Recognize the difference between technical and adaptive work.
  2. Thoughtfully analyze stakeholder behavior in order to plan and make progress.
  3. Effectively address resistance in others.

By the end of the webinar, participants will begin to see more clearly and act more intentionally to address the adaptive problems in healthcare.

We look forward to your participation.

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