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Health Catalyst Overview: How Improving Outcomes Can be Like an Awesome Ski Trip
Health Catalyst is the data warehouse necessary for analytics to work at health systems

Our mission at Health Catalyst is to transform healthcare and enable outcomes improvement. In that spirit we create webinars focused on providing high-quality educational opportunities for the entire healthcare industry, an approach that has been positively embraced by our clients.

Still many of you have also expressed a desire to learn more about Health Catalyst, our products and processes. So rather than introduce any type of selling element into our webinars, we decided we would periodically hold a different type of webinar—a webinar that is more about us. 

Please join us, Tuesday, March 31, as one of Health Catalyst’s founders, Tom Burton, uses the analogy of a ski trip (we are located in Utah, after all) to review the Catalyst Late-Binding™ Data Warehouse Platform, analytic applications and transformational services.


Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Time: 12:00–1:00 PM ET

Some specific items Tom will cover are:

  • What ski equipment you will need for the trip (analytic platform and tools)
  • Types of lifts and runs on the mountain (improvement categories and types)
  • Ski school and private lessons (quality improvement techniques and training) 

The discussion will include the key analytic principles of an adaptive data architecture including data aggregation, normalization, security, and governance. Tom will also address the basic requirements for implementation of the measurement platform of a data warehouse, such as team creation, roles, and reporting.

We hope you’ll join us.

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